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Image of an Super Enchi

Super Enchi

Designer morph
  • Incomplete dominant
As I have mentioned earlier under the line ”The Enchi Story”, I received two ball pythons from Ghana 1998. Luckily enough, it was a pair.

The first litter from this pair, 2002, gave six eggs, four Enchis and two normal ones. So I had to wait in excitement for another year to get a Super. In 2003 the female laid seven eggs from the Enchi male. It turned out to be two Supers, (both males), one Enchi female and four normal ones. But the most positive was how the Super looked.

When they hatched they were very light beige with black dots, but after a number of skin sheds they are getting very yellow and the dots are getting brown.

The dark fields have decreased with approx. 50%, the eyes are lighter, the tongue is lighter and they have a very special pattern on the head.
- Lars Brandell 
Genetic wizard

Use Killer Blast in the genetic wizard.

Use as male
Use as female