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Royal Genetic Reptiles
  • Puerto Rico
  • VIP Breeder

Royal Genetic Reptiles is a union of three friends who worked different reptile projects within their collections. After years of friendship and entering the world of the ball pythons we decided to join forces and create this project with a vision and mission bigger than the one that we had individually.

Since 2009 we developed our individual collections, each one interested and focused on specific genes, investing in projects that enhance the patterns and colors already worked. At that time we managed to get some direct amounts of African imports of which some have turned out to be genetic eventually and others are still a work in process, hopefully soon we can bring them to light.

RGR's mission is to enhance those forgotten or under-worked genes and update them with modern genes to draw their greatest potential, focused on crosses that challenge the sales market and looking for those strange combinations that create a new trend in the industry.

Apart from this being our hobby, it is our passion to help and encourage the good care of reptiles and we have made ourselves known for our commitment to the reptile community in Puerto Rico.

Royal Genetic Reptiles

VIP Breeder
Royal Genetic Reptiles has been VIP Breeder since 2016